Parts Art

“Art can permeate the very deepest part of us, where no words exist.”
― Eileen Miller

Visionary parts art. Visual and written recordings of my journey exploring the inner realms of consciousness.

This page is a visual and written representation of my ongoing artistic and therapeutic journey as a client and a psychotherapist. The images, writing, and poetry displayed here are all my own creations. Please be respectful of them, no image or media can be used outside this page without my consent. Please contact me if you would like to use my art.

“Awakening” by Oliver Brooke oil pastel on A3 Sketching paper April, 2023

A short video discussing ways of expressing our parts and sharing Oliver’s intentions of displaying this gallery.

Ode to inner children

Wounded inner children, I feel you in my gut,
Deep beneath the waves, unconscious protective forces,
I see you trapped down there, where it’s dank, dark, and lonely.

I will come and rescue you, I feel your presence there,
I see the gifts inside your souls, precious gems we've never had,
Exiled and forgotten, told you were terrible and bad,
These lies they are so rotten.

Dear weary protectors, I want to go to them,
To your precious siblings, you hold their doors shut tight,
Protecting them from shame, protecting them from pain,
Will you open up in time? So we can be together,
And end this dammed dark rhyme.

Dear dark protectors, It's time to open up,
Will you please allow me, to nurture and forgive you?
To hold you in my heart, then we can be together,
I promise you will see, please open up the gateways,
The healing will come, The healing will be done.

We can be with you, my children,
I feel you there my boy, I feel you there my girl,
My wounded inner children, I sense your beating hearts,
You're deep inside I know it, my precious exiled parts.

We are coming for you, riding the backs of darkness,
Your fierce protective sisters, your fierce protective brothers,
Bearing me to you, we see you in the dark,
We see you standing there, wait for me I promise,
We're coming precious child.

We've landed here beside you, can we be with you my children?
Here we are my loves, our hearts are open wide,
Ready to embrace you, we're whole again my children,
You are all enough.

- Oliver 2023

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” 

~ Albert Einstein